PeerJ Peer-Reviews Now Have DOIs

by | May 6, 2014 | regular

Since our launch, PeerJ has given authors the option of publishing the peer-reviews for their articles (and approximately 80% of our authors have chosen to do so). 


These public reviews have always had a unique URL (and hence have been citable by that URL), however we are pleased to say that we have now applied DOIs to all of our peer-reviews and we provide information as to how to cite the review:


One reason to coin DOIs for reviews is so that if the currently used PeerJ website URLs change for whatever reason then there will still exist an up-to-date mapping to the review via the DOI.

We also believe that reviewers should receive credit for their efforts. With this new ‘citation by DOI’ ability, as well as the ‘Academic Contribution’ points which are awarded to open peer-reviewers; and the summary tables of ‘reviewers’ per subject area that we display, we believe that PeerJ now leads the publication industry in crediting and highlighting the contribution of our peer-reviewers!

If you believe that the work of peer-reviewers should be highlighted, then we encourage you to tell your colleagues about us, and we encourage you to read, re-use and cite the reviews that are provided on our publications!


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