The PeerJ ‘Whale Shark Conference’ Collection goes live

by | Oct 2, 2013 | regular

We are pleased to announce that the PeerJ Collection for the “Third International Whale Shark Conference” (2013) is now live. Because it has a PeerJ Collection, this conference (which doesn’t start until the 6th October) is able to showcase the abstracts, submissions and articles that will be presented at the conference, even in advance of the actual event.


The Collection launches with 3 preprints “Describing the population structure of Rhincodon typus occurring in the waters of Oslob– Cebu, Philippines– between March 2012 and June 2013, during the provisioning interaction hours” ; “Whale Shark Provisioning: What do we know and where do we stand; The case study of Oslob, Philippines” and “A metabolomic approach to health assessment in the whale shark, Rhincodon typus“.

As more preprints are submitted, or peer-reviewed PeerJ articles accepted and published, then they will be automatically added to this growing body of work eventually forming a complete record of the output of the conference.

For more information about PeerJ Collections, or to learn how they can be an ideal publishing solution for your conference, symposium, research consortia or society, check out this blog post.


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