PeerJ On Social Media

by | May 29, 2013 | regular

Given that PeerJ PrePrints recently published “The role of Twitter in the life cycle of a scientific publication“(which has already received over 1/4 of its usage from Twitter) we thought it might be a good time to overview the ways you can stay up to date with PeerJ using various social media.

We blog (you are reading the blog…) at and the RSS feed for that content is at

We tweet from several different accounts. Predominantly we tweet from @ThePeerJ, but we also have an account for Charlie the Monkey (@PeerJCharlie) and PeerJ PrePrints (@PeerJPrePrints). In addition, the co-founders are active tweeters in their own rights (@p_binfield and @jasonHoyt) and other staff members also tweet (though they can be excused for occasionally tweeting non-PeerJ items – @invisiblecomma, @ThaiJacqueline and @urg98).

We have a Facebook page (, a Google+ page ( and a Linked In page (

And, given that we feature beautiful images on our homepage, it made sense to start a Pinterest account too! (

If you do nothing else then you should follow @ThePeerJ on twitter – we put almost everything out on that channel. On article pages, you can share content by clicking the ‘share’ button in the top left of the page.

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